TE2024 special issues

Following the conference, members of the ISTE Community commonly develop plans for a special issue in a range of journals. Below are the currently planned Special Issues for specific journals. Normally these are done by a member of the TE community inviting the best papers in the conference to submit, where the topics align.

Typically, if you are invited to submit your paper to a special issue, you will need to substantially change the content of the paper to enable it to be sufficiently different from the one published via the conference proceedings, Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. This can mean that around 60% of the content of the paper should be different. 

Deadlines for submission to Special Issues normally follow standard, if shortened, journal submission and review processes. 

Currently proposed Special Issues

Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science – led by Dr Mey Goh, Reader in Transdisciplinary Digital Manufacturing. For more information about this special issue, download the Call for Papers here.

Frontiers in Sustainability: modelling and optimisation for decision support – led by Dr Adam Cooper, Associate Professor in Engineering Policy and Chair of TE2024. More information on this call will be online at the Frontiers in website soon.

International Journal of Agile Systems and Management – led by Prof Federico Trigos, Professor of Business Analytics at the EGADE Business School, Tecnológico de Monterrey and Programme Chair of TE2024. 

Journal of Industrial Information and Integration – led by Dr Josip Stjepandic focused on the “transition for transdisciplinary, human-centric industrial applications: Design theories and applications”. See the link for more details.

TE2025 – 7th to 11th of July @ EGADE Business School, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

We are pleased to announce that TE2025 will be held from the 7th to the 11th of July 2025 in Monterrey, Mexico. The event will be hosted by EGADE Business School, Tecnologico de Monterrey.

The conference theme is ‘transdisciplinarity for a better world’. More information on the conference and forthcoming call for papers can be found at https://eventos.tec.mx/s/lt-event?language=es_MX&id=a5uUG0000004r2XYAQ.

TE2024 – Special issues

Following the conference, members of the ISTE Community commonly develop plans for a special issue in a range of journals. The first Special Issue for the TE2024 conference has just been announced. Typically, if you are invited to submit your paper to a special issue, you will need to substantially change the content of the paper to enable it to be sufficiently different from the one published via the conference proceedings, Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. This can mean that around 60% of the content of the paper should be different. 

Deadlines for submission to Special Issues normally follow standard, if shortened, journal submission and review processes. 

Currently proposed Special Issues

Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science – led by Dr Mey Goh, Reader in Transdisciplinary Digital Manufacturing. For more information about this special issue, download the Call for Papers here.

Further Special Issue opportunities will be added here as they are confirmed. If you are taking part in the conference and wish to propose a special issue, please get in touch with the conference organisers via STEaPP.TE2024@ucl.ac.uk 

TE2024 call for papers and website available!

Engineering for Social Change

to be hosted by UCL, London, UK

Dates: 9-11 July, 2024

Location: UCL East Campus, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London UK

With the world facing intense challenges socially, politically, environmentally what is the role of engineering to help steer communities to safer havens? Engineering is the bedrock of modern society but how can we ensure engineers work not just to delivering effectively on private sector projects, but also more widely for society and the environment?

The theme of TE2024 is Engineering for Social Change. We want to explore how engineering design and manufacturing processes – whether they are digital twins or systems models, new innovations, or the use of machine learning – can be turned towards a wider good? How can product design be better, not just for the business wanting to make a new, better version, but also for wider society and for the environment more generally? How can systems approaches address these challenges and what are the ethical, philosophical and justice considerations hidden in them? What is the role of the engineer in this? How do we train or educate engineers to see the opportunities for inclusive design, sustainable construction, or ethical manufacturing? What skills, analytic approaches, design, or collaboration practices are effective? What challenges are encountered in working across boundaries – between academia and industry and across disciplines, especially with the social sciences?

We invite engineering researchers, educators and industry practitioners, and researchers of engineers and engineering, to submit abstracts or propose workshops addressing these questions or related issues in transdisciplinary engineering.

The submissions portal will open on the 15th November 2023 with a deadline of 31st January 2024.

For more details and to submit an abstract or workshop proposal, visit www.TE2024.org.uk

The call for papers is available below.

Defining Transdisciplinary Engineering

The success of the ISTE depends on having a larger and growing community focused on understanding and developing Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE) practice. We believe that by thoughtfully defining TE we can consolidate the community, give it direction, and connect meaningfully to other communities. However, for emerging disciplines such as Transdisciplinary Engineering it is not always possible or indeed desirable to immediately implement an “absolute definition”.  

To this end, a working group of ISTE members has come up with an initial definition document as given below. Within this document we seek to create a “working definition”, which will be regularly reviewed and updated by the members of the ISTE. In this way it helps to frame discussions, whilst allowing the opportunity for the community to reflect on, consolidate and evolve its aims and scope.

We will discuss this topic in more depth at the upcoming TE2023 conference in Thailand. We welcome your participation in this effort, by reviewing the document below, commenting and contributing to it at the TE2023 conference or by contacting the ISTE board directly.

TE2023 call for papers and website available!

Leveraging Transdisciplinary Engineering in a Changing and Connected World

to be hosted by AIT, Bangkok, Thailand

Dates: 11-14 July, 2023

Location: Hua Hin Cha Am, Thailand

Important dates

  • January 15, 2023: Abstract submission and workshop proposal deadline
  • February 15, 2023: Workshop proposal deadline
  • March 17, 2023: Full paper submission
  • April 30, 2023: Notification of paper acceptance
  • May 31, 2023: Camera-ready submission deadline
  • June 23, 2023: Early registration deadline
  • July 11, 2023: Conference opening

The conference website can be accessed here.

The call for papers is available here.